Private Information Handling Policies of Fly-Up Co., Ltd.
※When you post a thread on our online bulletin board, it is deemed that you have agreed to our Private Information Handling Policies and you are not allowed to post a thread if you do not.
Fly-Up Co., Ltd. (the "Company") establishes and discloses the following Private Information Handling Policies as follows to protect the private information of information providers under Article 30 of the Private Information Protection Act and handle all related complaints promptly and smoothly.
Article 1 (Purpose of Handling Private Information)
The Company handles private information for the following purposes. Private information is not used for any purposes besides the following and we will take other necessary actions, i.e., seeking additional consent pursuant to Article 18 of the Private Information Protection Act if the purpose of use changes.
1. Bulletin board for online inquiries
I give consent to the Company’s collection of private information when it is entered to leave online inquiries on the homepage.
Article 2 (Private Information Handling and Retaining Period)
① The Company handles and retains the private information of information providers within the private information handling and retaining period assigned by law or the period agreed upon collecting the private information.
1. The Company never discloses the private information collected nor uses it for any purposes other than inquiries for quotation.
Article 3 (Third-party Disclosure of Private Information)
① The Company shall handle the private information of information providers within the scope specified under Article 1 (Purpose of Handling Private Information) and private information is not disclosed to third parties unless the cases of Article 17 of the Private Information Protection Act, including the consent of information providers and special regulations.
Article 4 (Consigning Private Information Handling)
① The Company consigns private information handling as follows for smooth processing of private information.
② If the description of consignment or the person being entrusted is changed, we will disclose the Private Information Handling Policies with no delay.
Article 5 (Rights and Duties of Information Providers and How Rights Are Exercised)
① The information providers can exercise each of the following private information protection rights against the Company at any time:
1. Request to access private information
2. Request to correct any errors, etc.
3. Request to delete
4. Request to suspend processing
② The rights under subsection (1) can be exercised in writing, by phone, by email, or fax and the Company will take actions immediately.
③ If an information provider has requested correction or deletion of private information errors, etc., the Company does not use or provide the private information until correction or deletion is completed.
④ The rights under subsection 1 can be exercised through private information providers’ legal representatives or authorized proxy. In this case, power of attorney shall be submitted using Form 11 of Private Information Protection Act’s Enforcement Rules.
⑤ Information providers shall not violate the related laws and regulations, including the Private Information Protection Act, nor infringe the private information and privacy of information providers or others being processed in the Company.
Article 6 (Items of Private Information Processed)
The Company handles the following private information:
1. Bulletin board for online inquiries on Homepage.
·Required items: Company name, officer, phone, email, password for posting
2. The following private information can be created and collected automatically in the process of using online services:
·IP address, cookies, MAC address, service records, records of visit, records of defects, etc.
Article 7 (Removal of Private Information)
① The Company immediately removes the private information that is no longer necessary due to elapse of private information retaining period, achievement of purpose of handling it, etc.
② If private information shall be retained by law past the private information retaining period or even if the purpose has been achieved, the private information shall be preserved at a separate database or a different place.
③ Private information shall be removed in the following manner:
1. Procedure
The Company sorts the private information that need to be removed and removes the private information with the approval of the Company’s Private Information Protection Manager.
2. Method
The Company removes the private information recorded/saved in the form of electronic files using the Low Level Format, etc. and the private information recorded/saved on paper documents shall be shredded with a document shredder or incinerated.
Article 8 (Securing the Safety of Private Information)
The Company takes the following actions to secure the safety of personal information:
1. Administrative actions: Internal control plans, regular training of employees, etc.
2. Technical survey: Access control for Private Information Handling System, access control systems, encryption of identification information, and security programs, etc.
Article 9 (Installation/Operation of Auto-collection of Private Information and Declination)
① The Company uses ‘cookies’ that saves and calls the information of use to provide users with personalized services.
② Cookies are small-sized information which the servers operating websites (http) send to the users’ computer browsers and can also be stored in the users’ hard disk.
A. Purpose of using cookies: Identifies the visit to and use of each service and website used by each user, popular keywords, secured connection, etc. to provide users with optimized information.
B. Installation/operation of cookies and declination: Users can decline saving cookies by setting the options under Tools -> Internet Options -> Private Information on top of the web browser window.
C. When user decline saving the cookies, it may be difficult for them to receive customized services.
Article 10 (Private Information Protection Manager)
① The Company has appointed the below named private information protection manager to take charge of handling private information, processing complaints of information providers in regards to handling private information, and damage relief.
▶ Private Information Protection Manager
Name : Joon Young Lee
Phone : +82 31-500-4310
※ Connects to Private Information Protection Department.
② Information providers may contact the private information protection manager and/or department to inquire about private information protection, complaints, and damage relief while using the Company’s services (or businesses). The Company will respond to and process the inquiries promptly.
Article 11 (Access to Private Information)
Information providers may request access to private information to the following department pursuant to Article 35 of the Private Information Protection Act. The Company will try to handle access to private information as soon as possible.
▶ Private Information Access Department
Name : Joon Young Lee
Phone : +82 31-500-4310
Article 12 (Relief of Infringement of Rights)
Information providers may contact the following institutions to inquire about damage relief, consultation, etc. in regards to private information infringement.
<The following institutions are separate from the Company and you may inquire if you are not satisfied with the Company’s private information handling or damage relief results or need help.>
▶ Private Information Infringement Reporting Center (Korea Internet & Security Agency)
- Responsibilities : Reporting private information infringement, request consultation
- Homepage :
- Phone : (No area code) +82 188
- Address : (58324) Private Information Infringement Reporting Center 3F, 9, Jinheung-gil, Naju-si, Jeonnam (301-2 Bitgaram-dong)
▶ Private Information Dispute Arbitration Committee
- Responsibilities : Application for private information dispute arbitration, group dispute adjustment (civil affairs)
- Homepage :
- Phone : (No area code) +82 1833-6972
- Address : (03171) Seoul Government Office 4F, 209, Sejong-daero, Jongno-gu, Seoul
▶ Supreme Prosecutors’ Office Cyber Crime Investigation Team : 02-3480-3573 (
▶ Police Agency Cyber Bureau : 182 (